Thursday, October 3, 2013

Doing the Mundane

I am currently doing a study on Gideon and was surprised to see that the first thing we find Gideon doing is a boring, everyday-type chore when the Angel comes to him. So for the last week my thoughts have drifted to how many everyday, boring and mundane things I do.

We currently do not have a dishwasher in our house, so we're hand washing everything.

I have no problem loading and unloading the dishes from a dishwasher because at least a machine scrubbed and sanitized my dishes and not me, but I feel like I spend half my day now in front of a sink. Aside from the dishes, I do several loads of laundry every week, scrub toilets, and tell a three year old "NO" a hundred times a day. I do the same things day-in, day-out. And frankly, it gets boring.

When I think about all these things though I have to realize that this is what I wanted in life. I wanted to be a wife and then eventually a stay at home mom. Josh and I want to raise our children, not a day care (don't worry I'm not against working mothers at all!) I was called to be at home. I'm passionate about the benefits it can bring for Cadence. It's a financial risk we take, but I'm okay with that. I was called to do the dishes, pay the bills and do the grocery shopping. Weirdly enough these are strengths. Josh can do these things but would spend more money on groceries than me and would hate every minute of shopping.

I am a wife. I am a stay home mom. I am called to do the mundane. I am called to listen while doing the dishes.

What if God is talking to me and I can't hear him over my complaining? What if I am suppose to learn something while folding clothes? Though I struggle with always being at home I know without a doubt  that this is my place. Someday I may work outside the home again but until then this what i do... the mundane.

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