Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Massive Casey Update

I got reminded by a student this month that I have not written in several months so here goes an update. I'll try to keep it as short as possible...

The last time I wrote was right before the morning sickness and exhaustion kicked in. Believe it or not, finding out I was pregnant was a little surprising to me. We had a scheduled doctor appointment with a fertility specialist for that Wednesday and we found out the Monday before. Because of how long it took us to get pregnant I was pretty paranoid during the first trimester so we waited till we heard a strong heartbeat before we told any family. After telling our parents, we were very excited to tell everyone else – of course I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

Cadence is very excited about the baby. He's been saying for months that he wants a "baby sister" so we'll see if that happens. Cadence loves to rub my tummy and ask if the baby can come "out for a couple four minutes". He's even thanked me for the baby, but we'll see what he says in five months!

As a three year old Cadence has been a struggle to discipline and get to bed. I think I would take the "twos" anytime! He does still say the funniest things and overly apologizes for everything... just the next day!

In other news, Campus House has been wonderful and crazy. We had a busy November with lots of activities and company in town most weekends. We got a nice Thanksgiving break in New Jersey which was filled with sleep, great talks and plenty of food. Coming back after break we only had a few weeks before the students left for Winter break. I have had lots of coffee with students and wonderful conversation about grace, forgiveness and the people we become after God allows bad things to happen. I truly love hearing the stories of the girls here. Everyone has a story... a beautiful story. And when we are willing to share that story we allow others to learn from us and get a glimpse of what God is capable of doing for us and in us.

So there are the Casey's in a nutshell!

A book review for Advent

Josh and I really wanted a book to read with Cadence for Advent and it's been almost impossible to find. So I finally got on Pinterest and searched for "Advent" I found this book:
Jesus the Storybook Bible

It was recommended because the first 25 stories go through the Old Testament and end with the Wise Men coming (when Jesus is two for all you who want it to be correct!). But what really caught my eye was the tagline for the book: "Every story whispers His Name." The stories are not shallow at all like many (most) children's Bibles. They explain the tough things in ways for little ones to understand. And then of course each story ends with how this all leads to Jesus coming and being our ultimate Rescuer.

I am super excited about this book and I want everyone to enjoy it too. Every time we get done with a story I always say "Man I love this book!" so even though we are only ten days from Christmas I encourage you to get this for your kids for the rest of the year and then read it for Advent next year.