I sit here and watch my son play on a slide and realize that I have a toddler,he no longer is a baby. He still loves to cuddle and give mommy kisses but for the most part he is a little boy. He feeds himself, talks in full sentences and lets me know when he is happy or mad! As a mom I obviously know that my child is getting older not younger. My child also has an attitude, screams himself to sleep and eats only when he wants to eat. These are things that he hasn't always done. Things that come and go.
That leads to my most hated phrase as a mom. The phrase that when it is said to me I want roll my eyes and yell "DUH," the phrase that is obnoxious, the phrase that I would guess most moms at least dislike if not hate. You ready to hear the phrase? Now this does not give you permission to annoyingly say this to me. If you can agree to that then I shall share this awful, hated phrase of mine.
"This is just a phase, embrace it because before you know it they will be all grown up!"
Blah! DUH! Dear Lord I hope I never say this to another mom! Of course I know they just get older that's life. And yes its a phase, but I am not a fan of this phase. My child screams bloody murder when you leave him in his crib to go to sleep (no literally the scream could shatter glass). He is almost two and still wants to be rocked, book read to him and you might as well sing a song while you are there! My child is a super picky eater (might be a little of my fault). I can make him a nice lunch because he says he is hungry then he decides he is not hungry and then when he is again he doesn't want that food. Grrr!! Oh and don't even get me started on the fit throwing, hitting, fake crying or screaming. Yes of course this a phase if we were like this as adults no one would like us. We grow out of it. We mature (well most). We learn what is right and wrong. We realize what "normal" society is.
So thank you to all who have said this. Thank you for reminding me that is a phase. Thank you fro reminding me that they do grow up. But mostly thank you for not helping the situation at all! ;)
so, this is kind of like when people say, "you meet them when you stop looking!" ;)