Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Massive Casey Update

I got reminded by a student this month that I have not written in several months so here goes an update. I'll try to keep it as short as possible...

The last time I wrote was right before the morning sickness and exhaustion kicked in. Believe it or not, finding out I was pregnant was a little surprising to me. We had a scheduled doctor appointment with a fertility specialist for that Wednesday and we found out the Monday before. Because of how long it took us to get pregnant I was pretty paranoid during the first trimester so we waited till we heard a strong heartbeat before we told any family. After telling our parents, we were very excited to tell everyone else – of course I've been waiting for this day for a long time.

Cadence is very excited about the baby. He's been saying for months that he wants a "baby sister" so we'll see if that happens. Cadence loves to rub my tummy and ask if the baby can come "out for a couple four minutes". He's even thanked me for the baby, but we'll see what he says in five months!

As a three year old Cadence has been a struggle to discipline and get to bed. I think I would take the "twos" anytime! He does still say the funniest things and overly apologizes for everything... just the next day!

In other news, Campus House has been wonderful and crazy. We had a busy November with lots of activities and company in town most weekends. We got a nice Thanksgiving break in New Jersey which was filled with sleep, great talks and plenty of food. Coming back after break we only had a few weeks before the students left for Winter break. I have had lots of coffee with students and wonderful conversation about grace, forgiveness and the people we become after God allows bad things to happen. I truly love hearing the stories of the girls here. Everyone has a story... a beautiful story. And when we are willing to share that story we allow others to learn from us and get a glimpse of what God is capable of doing for us and in us.

So there are the Casey's in a nutshell!

A book review for Advent

Josh and I really wanted a book to read with Cadence for Advent and it's been almost impossible to find. So I finally got on Pinterest and searched for "Advent" I found this book:
Jesus the Storybook Bible

It was recommended because the first 25 stories go through the Old Testament and end with the Wise Men coming (when Jesus is two for all you who want it to be correct!). But what really caught my eye was the tagline for the book: "Every story whispers His Name." The stories are not shallow at all like many (most) children's Bibles. They explain the tough things in ways for little ones to understand. And then of course each story ends with how this all leads to Jesus coming and being our ultimate Rescuer.

I am super excited about this book and I want everyone to enjoy it too. Every time we get done with a story I always say "Man I love this book!" so even though we are only ten days from Christmas I encourage you to get this for your kids for the rest of the year and then read it for Advent next year.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Doing the Mundane

I am currently doing a study on Gideon and was surprised to see that the first thing we find Gideon doing is a boring, everyday-type chore when the Angel comes to him. So for the last week my thoughts have drifted to how many everyday, boring and mundane things I do.

We currently do not have a dishwasher in our house, so we're hand washing everything.

I have no problem loading and unloading the dishes from a dishwasher because at least a machine scrubbed and sanitized my dishes and not me, but I feel like I spend half my day now in front of a sink. Aside from the dishes, I do several loads of laundry every week, scrub toilets, and tell a three year old "NO" a hundred times a day. I do the same things day-in, day-out. And frankly, it gets boring.

When I think about all these things though I have to realize that this is what I wanted in life. I wanted to be a wife and then eventually a stay at home mom. Josh and I want to raise our children, not a day care (don't worry I'm not against working mothers at all!) I was called to be at home. I'm passionate about the benefits it can bring for Cadence. It's a financial risk we take, but I'm okay with that. I was called to do the dishes, pay the bills and do the grocery shopping. Weirdly enough these are strengths. Josh can do these things but would spend more money on groceries than me and would hate every minute of shopping.

I am a wife. I am a stay home mom. I am called to do the mundane. I am called to listen while doing the dishes.

What if God is talking to me and I can't hear him over my complaining? What if I am suppose to learn something while folding clothes? Though I struggle with always being at home I know without a doubt  that this is my place. Someday I may work outside the home again but until then this what i do... the mundane.

Life with a three year old!

Cadence turned three earlier this month and it was wonderful to have a birthday party and for him to actually understand what it was about! We took him to Incredible Pizza, Co. in Tulsa with some family, and, after eating about two bites he was off to the game room! After opening presents and requesting that we sing to him, he rode the go-karts with Daddy. He still talks about this day almost a month later.
3 months

For his birthday gift from us we decided that he didn't need toys (and Mimi had the clothes covered) so we wanted to make his room a "big boy" room. We transformed his room into a comic book! We filled it with art work (made by friends and family), new bedding and some small touches to show him that he was special! He thinks he still needs to show Nana and Mimi his new room every time we FaceTime.
1 year

Living with a three year old has been an adventure. We had the terrible-two's... bad. But that is also partially due to major life changes we had that year. Now as a 3 year old, we've talked with him about lying, respect, and please for your mother's sake will you hold your peepee down when you potty! He can be sneaky and hide while eating candy, he isn't completely potty-trained, and well, he likes the word "No"... a lot. He can have full conversations with you and tell you everything he did "lasterday". He enjoys helping with the dishes and cooking. He tortures the dog but then will play for hours outside with him. He loves the Campus House, puzzles, and talking on the phone.
2 years

We are looking forward to this next year with our big boy. Parenting is becoming more challenging but more rewarding as well. We are excited about the things he will say and surprise us with. Josh loves teaching him about sports and I love to get my snuggles first thing in the morning. Cadence Michael (or "Bob" as he says his middle name) is just a joy to have! We love him so much!
3 years

Monday, September 16, 2013

A life with Grace

 I have been thinking about my story, my journey in life. I have thought a lot about my marriage and the trials. I have thought a lot about telling my story, but just wonder if it is because I just want people to know or does God? My story is long. A story with heartache, disappointment but even more grace and redemption. Throughout those thoughts I have decided it is not time to share my story yet – don't worry it isn't because I'm chicken but because God has good and perfect timing. However, one thing I can talk about is one particular road I've been down... one road I've traveled a lot these last two years, and that is through my understanding of the definition of Grace.

As a good Christian girl I always knew about God's grace and that I should have grace, but did I truly know what Grace looks like? Do any of us know what Grace is capable of? Do we understand how all God's children are capable of giving grace to those who have hurt us? Do we understand how undeserving of it we are? This girl sure didn't.

The first time I truly heard about Grace was through a wonderful friend. She taught me what grace can look like. To be able to forgive angry exes – to forgive herself in her mistakes. To be able to tell her story firmly, strongly. A story filled with Grace.

If you read through the Old Testament you see God give Grace over and over again. Adam and Eve and the great fall. There were consequences for their sin, but he still loved them through it. He didn't abandon them. Isaac and stealing Esau's birthright. really stupid move but God did big things with him. David...yeah don't get me started on that one. Then we move into the New Testament and before Jesus died he told a disciple he would deny him three times, but he brought him back in later. And ultimately that day Christ was the gift of Grace. The gift that people of his day could touch, talk to and listen to. He died to forgive all human kind, all we have to do is accept His grace.

Those are a few stories from the Bible about Grace, but how come we can't show grace to those who hurt us, say stupid things, or make bad life choices. Why can't we show Grace to those who are just different then us, those who don't have the same theology as us?

"Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given" (John 1:16). Seriously God wants to give a double dose of Grace. Humanity messed up and then he sent His son to cover those sins with yet some more Grace. Mind blowing and life changing. 

Grace is hard, it sucks sometimes. Grace is forgiving. Grace is trusting. Grace is saying you are sorry. Grace is being Christ-like. Grace is loving the unloveable. 

I have a long quote that sums up Grace for me really well. It's from P. Tripp and the Campus House used it a lot previously, but brought it out again for today's message. This is going to be in our bedroom somewhere for me to see at all times. To remember that I have a story, a God story.

"Grace is a story and grace is a gift… It is God's character and your only hope. Grace is beautiful theology and a wonderful invitation. Grace is a lifelong experience and a life-changing calling. Graceful will turn your life upside down while giving you a rest that you have never known. Grace will require you to face your unworthiness without ever making  you feel unloved… it will make you finally acknowledge that you can never earn God's favor… It will once and for all remove your fear of not measuring up to his standards. Grace will humble you with the fact that you were much less than you thought you were, even as it assures you that you can be far more than you ever imagine. You can be sure that Grace will put you in your place without ever putting you down. Grace will enable you to face shocking truth about yourself that you have hesitated to consider, while freeing you from being self-consciously introspective. Grace will confront you with profound weaknesses and at the same time present you with new-found strength.  Grace will tell you again and again what you are not, while opening you again and again to what you can now be. Grace will make you as uncomfortable as you ever been, while offering you more lasting comforting you ever known. Grace will work to drive you to the end of yourself, while it invites you to a fresh start and fresh beginning. Grace will dash your ill-founded hopes, but will never walk away and leave you hopeless. Grace will decimate your own little kingdom of one, as introduces you too much, much better king. Grace will expose you to the extent of your blindness, as he gives your eyes what they desperately need to see. Grace will make you sadder than you have ever been, while at the same time giving you greater cause for celebration than you have ever known."

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sacred Marriage

When Josh and I were in marriage counseling we were asked to read a book called Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas. I read this book and LOVED it. Now mind you that was at least six years ago. But through the years we have recommended it to friends and family and I don't think anyone has taken us up on that. So I am hear six years later reading it again and I am telling you all that are engaged or been married for 25 plus years please read this book!

My poor friend Cailyn has heard me talk and talk about this book for the last month as I have been re-reading it. Every week Cailyn, Ashlen and I get together at DQ to just catch up and I think this book comes up every week for me on "What have I learned about God this week?" Guys seriously you have to read this!

Ok so here is what the book is about! "What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?" Yeah sit on that thought for a minute! The book really talks about how marriage is a selfless act. That we shouldn't consider marriage because we want to be happy but instead to be able to serve. He talks about marriages that have rocky spots and very rocky spots and how leaning on God and his love can show you more about yourself and your marriage then you can do on your own. here are a couple quotes from his book that pretty much made me cry! Really because I have been there and I truly wish I had re-read this book a couple years ago.

"Tell your (marital) story. Tell it to your kids, your friends, your brothers and sisters, but especially to each other. The more your story is implanted in your brain, the more it serves as a hedge against the myriad forces that seek to destroy your marriage. Make your story so familiar that is becomes part of the fabric of your being. It should become a legend that is shared through the generations as you grow a family tree and defies all odds and boasts marriage after marriage of stability and longevity."

"Every marriage has sorrows. There isn't a shared bedroom in this country where tension doesn't occasionally or perhaps frequently lift its snarling head. Many a pillow has been a solemn receptacle for soul felt tears, cried late at night or even all throughout the day. We don't get to choose which sorrows or trials we are called to bear, only that we must endure them."

"The challenge is not to keep on loving the person we thought we were marrying, but to love the person we marry."

"But true forgiveness is a process, not an event. It is rarely the case that we are able to forgive "one time" and the matter is settled. Far more often, we must relinquish our bitterness a dozen times or more, continually choosing to release the offender from our judgement."

I could keep going but then you should just read it for yourselves. I hope you get a chance to  look it over, he has several other books that i Intend to read this next year. 

"Forgiveness was something I could walk into." " Forgiveness doesn't imply or confer trust and it doesn't remove the pain." (it teaches obedience)

I could keep going but instead you should read the book! He has several other books that I intend to read this year. Enjoy

Thursday, August 29, 2013


Have you ever really thought about what triggers stress for you? Or how stress affects your mind or body? Well I sure haven't... until the last couple weeks. My stress level these days is dramatically lower then it was nine months ago but I hadn't really really thought about how to control stress in my life and how it affects me. I figured that I handled stress just fine.

My stress was due to a rocky season in our marriage, job loss, unemployment, job searching, moving, and frustration with not being able to get pregnant. ... all at once. Compounded with a desire to care for people around me and I stopped paying attention to myself. By the end I kind of physically fell apart.

When we moved I was finally able to stop long enough to realize I was having some physical issues that needed to be addressed. There were signs a few months prior, but honestly with packing and moving I didn't really think anything of them. Physically, I was EXHAUSTED! I was taking 2-3 hour naps daily. My vision was blurry and I really noticed my weight gain. I had officially stressed my body out, and because my stress levels were gradually going down I was taking time to notice my body and all the weird things it was doing.

So last week I started reading a book my mom gave me on balancing your blood sugar which in the long run will help with energy, weight loss and hopefully taking inches from my waist. But honestly what I really hope for is to just feel beautiful again. To not avoid mirrors or the scale. To keep up with Cadence. And just maybe this is what my body needs to get pregnant. 

I am not a dieter. Never have been. I am not going all crazy with this book: literally reading a little at time and changing one meal at time (I eat six times a day with this new lifestyle). I am exercising again and trying new foods. I have my good days and I have my bad days. I eat at home more (unless of course my in-laws come in town!) and I am looking at new recipes. I have lost four pounds in the two weeks – a small step that I am excited about. I am seeing a little more energy and feel a little less shakiness between meals. Also, I am sleeping better (finally!).

It's crazy what stress can do to you. I got through the last year with God, my husband, my family, and my friends.
Now though, I need to take care of me. One day at a time.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

No Spend July with an update

Daddy's favorite team!
Well I had a "No Spend" post good to go, but my husband didn't edit it and then we moved so it didn't get posted! [editor's note: I have no memory of such a request. Carry on.] So here is how it went for us...

We weren't able to get all of our Emergency Fund finished but we were able to get most of it. Not spending was interesting; I'm hoping that next year when we do it I can be a little more diligent and organized. For instance, I think it would've helped a lot to get cash out for the whole month. Now don't get me wrong, we didn't spend anything – no eating out or do anything else that cost money. I just kind of felt weird when August 1 came and we ordered a pizza and there was no guilt with it!

Overall, I think it was a success and maybe we'll introduce a "no spend week" into other months, which will probably be easier since our lives are about to get crazy and we'll have little time anyway!

As for the update...

We are all moved into our rental house. It was a long two days as we emptied the Campus House apartment, cleaned it, unloaded it all into the new house and unpacked by ourselves. We were exhausted when my family showed up on Saturday to hang out for the weekend. But we have a house (with air conditioning!), fast internet and are no longer sharing a room with Cadence! Overall a successful move!

We are a few days from the student Leadership Team Retreat and then move in weekend. I think we are all ready for some craziness and for the real work to begin. We've had a wonderful summer of relaxing, learning and planning with the whole staff for the next year.

We have also made it to about $600 of the $1,000 a month we need support-wise.

If you are interested in reading about us, follow this link.

If you want to follow our Photostream, follow this link.

If you'd like to become investors in our ministry and add your financial support (one-time or regular), follow this link.
Watching the train

A lot has changed in our family this summer, but I think we've come to a place where we can have peace again.  A time when we can think about the past but not dwell on it. A time to dream about ministry again. A time to remember what God has truly done for us. A time to be a family and enjoy the small things in life.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Earn Gift cards

 I wanted to post a couple websites that you can earn gift cards from. These websites are completely safe, I promise! I like to use these sites to earn Amazon, Target, Itunes giftcards and save them fro Christmas. Please use the links below and I will earn points as well.


You can take daily polls, sign up for new programs or just use their search bar to earn points. Good Luck!

Recycle Bank

You watch videos on recyclable materials, take pledges to be better at recycling or find a local recycle bank to earn points. You can earn coupons, gift cards and restaurant discounts!

Kelloggs Family Rewards
This is an account through Kellogg that you enter codes from specially marked Kellogg products. Plus when you sign up to receive emails they will send you bonus codes on occasion. You can earn coupons, gift cards and special Kellogg product.


This is also a program that you enter codes from Pampers products (diapers, wipes and pull-ups). You can earn credit to Shutterfly, toys and magazine subscriptions. I am saving mine right now to get my niece a toy for Christmas!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Casey Newsletter

Thought I would share our latest newsletter! Just click the link to see it.

Casey Newsletter

No Spend July Week 1

Well, after week one of No Spend July it's not been too bad.  I will admit I am a little tired of cooking, so we are going to look for some new stuff this week! I stayed in my tight budget for food and we've only had to put $10 worth of gas in the tank. We got propane for the grill but used a coupon – it's to hot to do all the cooking inside anyways.

Funny story (well now anyway), I needed a Happy Hour pick-me-up so I pulled into Sonic... and then remembered I couldn't get anything and drove right back out!

Also, we got really tired of being in our incredibly hot apartment, but we couldn't eat out or go do anything (not that there's much to do in Warrensburg anyway) so we drove down to Office Depot and looked at a few things on our home and work office lists, and then wandered around Wal-Mart for an hour... just to be in the a/c!

Lastly, I do have to admit one major purchase – we bought new phones.
Now hear me out and tell me you wouldn't have of done the same thing: First, Josh and I have been saving our allowance for new phones, so this was cash in our wallets – nothing was taken from the checking/savings account. Secondly Target was doing an awesome trade in deal: we'd get the trade-in price, plus additional target credit towards a new phone, and a $25 gift card after purchase! So I spent $5 plus tax on a new iPhone 5! Ha, that's right! You would've done the same thing. But hey, I was honest and told you we spent some money...

We'll see what the second week brings us. I know we won't be eating out again and not using the car and I will continue to delete my groupon emails!

How are you doing with no spend July??

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Pinterest project...Book shelf

Alright it's official: I am back to my creating/crafting mindset again! We've been living in an apartment these last six weeks, so it was nice to move around and do something creative. I wanted to share the process of my latest project with you so I decided to  blog about it and explain it step-by-step. This whole project only cost us $6 and this is how I did it...

First, I took an old laminate bookshelf – just one of those cheap ones with fake wood grain and cardboard backing that you can buy at Wal-Mart – and sanded down the laminate. Not much, Just enough to rough it up so the primer and paint can soak in. This took about 30 minutes. Don't forget to do each of the shelves.

Second, you prime. You need to buy a primer that works on laminate and soaks into the wood. I used Zinsser Water-Base Primer (pictured below), which cost about $6 at Lowe's. I did two coats, but honestly I would only do one next time.

Thirdly, paint it any color you want using regular paint from your local hardware store. I used a leftover gallon from Josh's office, so it was FREE!
Finally, for the backing Josh used an old pallet. Now I have connections which got me free pallets (sorry, no handouts!), but you can go to Lowe's and they can sell you one of theirs from a previous shipment – usually just for a few bucks. Also, be sure to check out local industrial parks and businesses. Anyways we cut down the boards, I arranged them and nailed it down. The finished product looks great! I'm excited to get it in our new place.

I hope you enjoyed the process and be sure to ask any questions you may have about how to do this for yourself!

Friday, June 28, 2013

No Spend July

Monika told me the other day about a blog she had read about "No Spend July" and we decided we were going to do it with them! First, the blog we got it from is smallnotebook.org and if you search for "no spend July," you will come to her posts from last year.

I recently went through Dave Ramsay's Financial Peace University and then relayed everything to Josh. We won't do everything he talks about, but all of his cash envelopes, budget set-up, and ways of paying off debt we will try to follow. The first baby step is getting a $1,000 emergency fund, and that is what our "no spend July" is going towards.

We are actually starting ours July 8th because we will have a friend in town and also a quick trip to Muncie, so not spending any money that week isn't possible! We are hoping do this through the first couple days of August. Basically, all you are allowed to spend money on are your bills, gas (but limit it) and groceries (get out limited cash for the month). There will be no eating out, no dates (unless free!), no traveling, no extra activities, no shopping!

I think there are two things we are wanting to get out of this experience. The first is how to live simply. What can we truly go without? What things do we under-appreciate in our lives? What things do we do in excess?

And secondly, we are wanting to jump-start our Emergency fund! This is a great way to be able to put aside the money for something specific. My sister is saving it for a trip with her hubby for his birthday. Why not use the money for Christmas? Or maybe a trip? Or maybe you need to just put it in savings for those car tires you know you will need soon.

Want to join us? Challenge yourself! Maybe you only do it for two or three weeks, but try it. Let me know if you are because I would love to hear stories! I will try and update each week on how we are doing.

Funny Family Fact

A couple weekends ago  I was at my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary along with 150 other people! Some I'd never met and some  I hadn't seen in 10+ years. And yet all those people got to hear this story. My mother loves to tell this story and it is kind of funny. You could watch my mom talking to a guest at the party and then turn and point to Josh, Josh and Joshua.

Five years ago I married Josh I. Two years ago my sister married Josh II and currently my youngest sister is dating (very seriously) Josh III! Yep that's right, my parents could have three sons-in-law all with the same name. So of course trying to have a conversation and talk about one of the Josh's is complicated, and now there are two grandkids and we are trying to figure out how to define them.

So here is what we have...
My Josh is called "Josh" or "Uncle Josh"by all. He was the first so he gets the #1 title, he does like to make sure the others remember who was first in the family. Monika's Josh is also "Josh", Uncle J for Cadence and Josh II. And then lastly we have "Joshua" – Kristin's Josh.

I know you guys all really wanted a random fact about my family! Hope it made you smile!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

New Beginnings

Well we did it. We packed up our 20' U-Haul and... it didn't all fit. We said really hard good-byes and shared tears. We left an iPhone in Muncie (accidentally) and drove 8.5 hours to Warrensburg. We pulled into "my new campus house" (as Cadence says) – a new town in a new state. New job. New beginning.

Cadence wanted to load up his bag
I am not one to embrace change, it's a quality I don't think my husband enjoys much! But this move is something I have wanted for months. I wanted to move, to change my living situation. Shoot, I even bought new bedding! I knew that if I wanted our current circumstances to change, to be more positive, to see Josh enjoy a job again, we had to move.  So when that call came I was relieved.

I would like to say that I cried the whole way to Warrensburg dwelling on all that I left behind but I didn't. I still haven't cried and I hope I don't. Now don't get me wrong I left my best friends in Muncie, I left our first home, I left the place of our first ministry. My heart breaks when I think about the conversations I am missing out on. That's all true, but still I didn't cry. Instead, what I was thinking about was how in the world I would handle an even smaller town than Muncie (though there is a Sonic here!). I thought about how our lives are going to crazy-busy again (which I'm weirdly excited about). I thought about what our next home would be like. I thought about how I hoped someday we would bring another baby into this world but instead he/she would have a Missouri birth certificate. I thought about new beginnings.

So no, I don't always like change but I do know when I need it and when to embrace it.  I know that sometimes we need to wipe the slate clean. I know that over time I will become more positive and life can be "normal" again. I know that this isn't the last time we will get thrown a curve ball in life. But for today I get a new beginning and that is exciting!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Good-bye Muncie Family

I have never just  loved the city of Muncie, but I do love some people that are here. We live a full days drive from any family members, so we have a family here. With having Cadence I have met several wonderful "new" moms, I have had an amazing mentor/accountability friend and I have of course had the people at the Campus House. Recently as a couple we have had a small group that has cared for us and I have had MOPS the last two years. So lots of "family".  So in this post I want to just write a good-bye and thank you note to all the people of Muncie that I call family!

Dear Muncie friends,

Thank you for helping us move three plus times, that is a lot of stairs and warm days. Thank you for meals, games and just a lot of laughs. Thank you for the many play dates. So many I met at library story time or at MOPS, you embraced me as a new mom and encouraged me. Thank you for allowing my child to have you and your kids as friends. Thank you for your counseling, your wisdom and a shoulder to cry on. Josh and I have had our rough moments but you kept us together, prayed for us and taught us new things about marriage. I love you all and hope you keep in contact. God bless you and your family.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thank you House

Josh and I have been married for five years and we have lived in five different places. That is a lot of boxes, moving trucks and good-byes. We are two weeks from our sixth move and even harder good-byes. The good-bye post will come later!

Throughout the years I have slowly become less and less attached to stuff, but there is one thing that is different this time. Our house. We bought our first house in Muncie. We brought a baby to this house. We cried, we fought, and watched our baby become a toddler. We opened our home to many dinners and late night movies and games. We have had "Hobbit" day. We have thrown 30th birthday surprises and well many other surprises. This house has seen heartache and joy with lots of laughter in the mix. This is the Casey house.

Josh told me the other day that he understood why I was going to miss the house and asked if he could help in any way with the process. Just so you know this was a big deal for me to hear. Unfortunately there isn't anything physically he can do, I have to be able to just remember the good and bad times. To cling to my memories and make new ones. So though I still have two weeks I want to say a goodbye to this house.

House on Berkley Avenue thank you! Thank you for being our first house. Thank you for being a flipped house so we didn't have to do any work! Thank you for letting me paint my babies room. House you have heard and seen a lot and lets just keep it between us! Thank you for being a house that we could make people  comfortable in. House you have truly been a memorable time in our lives, you will always be our first house that we bought on our own. I have prayed many times that you would be a blessing for another loving family. Continue to be a safe haven for others. Thank you House for being you!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

All in God's timing

A year ago Josh and I were at the ACM's Campus Ministers Retreat in southern Indiana. We look forward to it following the end of every school year. A chance to be with others in campus ministry and just unwind as a family. Anyways, during this retreat Josh met another pastor and found his ministry was looking to hire someone in the same type of position he was in. During this conversation they talked about the way the ministry is run, how the staff works very well together as a team, and how they were specifically wanting to hire a family for the job. Basically, anything Josh and I had ever talked about or hoped for in ministry this guy was saying it. That night, Josh told me the entire conversation, then we got on their website and dreamed. I honestly pushed Josh to ask more questions and think about applying, but we had just decided to stay at least one more year in Muncie, so he was unwilling to begin looking for something that would obviously be filled by the time we were ready. Through the summer we talked a lot about this new and exciting ministry and envied the person who got the position.
Fast forward six months and we are officially without a job. We have a mortgage, no paycheck and no direction. After several weeks applying at various ministries, Josh got an interview with a church plant... which obviously didn't pan out! Really confused and frustrated, we decided to look back into campus ministry. I have no idea what Josh was thinking, but I was a little scared. Campus ministers are a relatively tight-knit bunch – everyone knows everyone. We weren't completely sure what had been said and if other ministries would want us after hearing our story. But when Josh realized this ministry was still looking, he sent his resume in... all the way to the Christian Campus House at the University of Central Missouri.
The ministry's director, Brad, replied back with lots of questions and out came our story. There was no point in hiding it, I mean some of the bitterness and anger had gone away, but at times it was still hard to hide. I remember Josh answering these questions and telling me that he had to tell Brad the whole story from the very beginning. After all, what was one more person judging us? Yet there was NO judging!!! Instead we got several phone calls and Skype meetings and got asked to go on their Spring Break retreat with them in March.

So... is it weird to fall in love with another couple?? Well we did. Brad and Cailyn have been wonderful through this long (4+ month) process of getting hired. They have kept us going when we thought it just wouldn't happen. They made raising part of our salary sound like an adventure and very possible. They have loved us from the beginning... including and honestly, because of the baggage (not in spite-of). Brad and Josh are like two peas in a pod, brothers separated at birth. Cailyn and I just laugh at the way they get along. It's refreshing to see that Josh is going to have a co-worker who respects him and his opinion and experience... sees him as an equal.
As of Tuesday, May 7 around 5pm we were officially asked to come on staff and start June1st (yes that is two weeks away!) To see the relief and joy in my husbands eyes took my breath away.

We are getting a second chance. We get to stay in ministry with college students. This is what we are good at, what we're called for! So, University of Central Missouri here we come and we are sooooooo excited!

Sunday, April 21, 2013


I have been waiting. Waiting for a very long year to be over. Waiting for my marriage to heal. Waiting for a job, a new home. Waiting for forgiveness, grace and redemption. Waiting for anger and bitterness to no longer be part of me. I have been waiting for the sun to come and stay, for winter to be over. I have even been waiting for my tulips to bloom. You would think by this time I would be the master at the waiting game, or if anything I would be a patient person. Instead I am just tired.

A friend sent me a text this other day from Romans 8:22-28:
All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it’s not only around us; it’s within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We’re also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy.
 Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
Now to be honest I read it then went on with my day. Later that I night I realized I never replied to the text.  I read it again and then again. I thought it was a weird verse at first glance then one little part in the middle stuck out. " That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant woman." 

I am waiting -- waiting for a small light at the end of the tunnel. I was waiting for my tulips to bloom and yesterday they did. During our 30 degree weather with rain and sleet, the pink, red and yellow peeked out. Now I don't have to wait for the little things because I do know deep down that there are things all around me in bloom. I just have to be more thankful for the small things while waiting in life. Haha such a cliche thing to say. But right now that is what gets me up in the morning. That is what gives me hope. That is what gets me excited about change. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Casey Update

I thought it was time for a nice update on our lives. I wish I had nothing to say, but instead I have a ton!

In December Josh started talking to a church plant in Columbus. After several emails and a Skype interview with the lead pastor, they asked us to come meet them and their growing church. Josh and I were able to go by ourselves, we thought this way we had one less distraction.  We had a great weekend seeing downtown Columbus, OSU campus, and meeting several families involved in this plant, which is about a year old. On the drive home Josh and I talked about the whole weekend. I was all for it and Josh was... mostly there. When Monday came around we were prepared to tentatively say yes, but the voice on the phone gave a "No." Let's just say I was not happy. I was silent the rest of the night.

We thought we nailed this job. They weren't looking at anyone else. They made it obvious that they liked us. But instead we got a "no" and "we really think you need a ministry with more stability" and an underlying "you still have some bitterness to work on". Of course we have bitterness, did you think it would go away over night?! Stability in ministry, what is that?? I was ticked. And to top it off Josh told me he wasn't real comfortable with the job anyways, but was willing to take it for my sake since I didn't like our other options. Yeah that didn't make me feel better.  After several days to think, pray, and reflect about the weekend and our conversation as a couple we realized that we mostly wanted the job to escape from Muncie. It was an easy out and we saw that.

Unfortunately things didn't get any better. We were back at square one. We had no real plan and Josh needed to get a job in Muncie ASAP, which he did. He is currently subbing for three different school districts and, while this is not his dream job he has especially enjoyed subbing for the elementary music classes. We are hoping things pick up with that and I start a regular babysitting job next week. We are just hoping to pay the bills!

So with coming back to square 1, Josh took about a week to get back on the horse and look for a ministry job, which now leaves with two possible roads: ne is going to Emmanuel Christian Seminary and Josh getting his Masters, or to get back into campus ministry.  Which actually, a job has recently landed in our lap and we are looking into it.  I won't discuss the potential ministry until/unless things are more definite. We are being patient this time, but it's hard!

Everyone is slowly getting healthy again. Cadence is pure entertainment for us all and Josh cut his hair! If you saw his hair about three weeks ago you would of thought, as a sixth grader told him, that he was Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. Continue to pray for us with some major decisions to make and life changes in the next five months!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


At MOPS today I was able to teach a small segment on couponing and I thought I would post what I talked about! Hope this helps some of you new couponers!

-Before you do anything make a budget
-Use cash only. When it is gone you are done!
-A good rule of thumb in setting a family grocery budget is $25 per person a week on all meals. (Example a family of four would have a $100 budget a week)

Where to get your coupons
-Sunday papers (buy at the dollar store)
- Coupons.com
- Couponnetwork.com
- Facebook “Likes”
- Blogs have a great coupon database.

cuckooforcoupondeals.com- has a great ABC's for couponers-Meijer mperks and mealbox
-All You magazine (subscribe or at Wal-mart only)
*make an email account just for coupons

Where to use coupons
-Meijer, Marsh (double up to .50) Walmart, CVS, Walgreens.
-Target (you can use a target coupon plus a manufacturer coupon on one item)

What no coupons??
-Wal-mart will price match an ad
-Shop the sales!!
-Don’t be brand loyal
-Aim for 50% off regular price (that can be sale plus coupon)
-Make a list before you leave! Stick to it, no impulse buying!

- have them help clip coupons
-teach them how it is important to save money and have a budget

Good Price points
-Chicken 1.99 or less a lb
-Ground beef 2.89 or less a lb
-Milk 2.50 a gallon
-Eggs $1 a dozen
-Toilet paper .25 a roll
-Paper towels .50 a roll

Other great ways to save some cash!
-Water heater set to 120 degrees
-AC set at 78 degrees.
-turn ceiling fans off when you leave, fans cool people not rooms.
-Heater set at 68 degrees
-turn heat down when you leave for work or class.
-for  every degree you turn down you can save 1-3% on your bill
-Use a space heater only. You can save upto $1,000 a year
-Turn off the lights when you leave a room

-use compact fluorescent light bulbs. they use 75% less energy and last
           10x longer. You can see a $100 savings in a year.
-Use a crockpot once a week. Pre-heating a oven uses the most energy in your house.
-Pay your bills on time! Paying late can affect your credit.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Unemplyment = cooking at home!

I am to the point where I am truly having to cook at home every night. I do enjoy cooking but I was used to a couple meals at the campus house every week and meals at a restaurant once in a while with students, in other words i didn't have to cook but a couple times a week. The one thing I don't enjoy though is the same meals, nor do i desire to be in the kitchen for two hours trying to put together a meal, so I am now addicted to pinterest for recipes!

I thought I would share some of those recipes with you and what i thought about them. I will only put the ones I actually liked and those that made it into my recipe book! All of these can be found on my pinterest as well!

Now first I do want to mention how I do a meal plan, usually only a week at a time until recently. Both of my grocery stores recently had a wonderful sale on their meats so I stocked up (about a months worth). I went though my recipes before hand, went through my pantry and wrote down the things I still needed to make several meals. Two hours and $85 dollars later I had a month worth of meals!
http://www.healthy-delicious.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/chicken-and-spinach-flautas.jpgFirst up is
Baked Chicken and Spinach Flautas
 These were my favorite thing I made this week...honestly my new favorite menu item! Mine actually looked that and tasted even better! Plus I made homemade salsa with it. Very easy and only 20 minutes in the oven.

Second one of the week was
Double Honey garlic chicken
This was my second favorite of the week. Though it has seven different spices in it, it made for a very interesting taste! Mine weren't real crunchy like the pictures, but it was a fun meal to make. Plus i only used half of the flour mix so i froze the rest for later.We served it over rice with a separate sauce, though they also made great sandwiches!

final suggestion of the week was Beef and Broccoli This meal is made in the crock pot and served over rice. Very easy as well. My sauce did not thicken up like the picture showed, but it was still really good. Eat it in a bowl!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Never Once"

This song brought me to tears this week at church, but it was a true and wonderful reminder for me. I hope you enjoy it.

"Never Once"
Standing on this mountaintop
Looking just how far we’ve come
Knowing that for every step
You were with us

Kneeling on this battle ground
Seeing just how much You’ve done
Knowing every victory
Was Your power in us

Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Yes, our hearts can say

Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Kneeling on this battle ground
Seeing just how much You’ve done
Knowing every victory
Was Your power in us

Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Yes, our hearts can say

Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Never once did we ever walk alone
Carried by Your constant grace
Held within Your perfect peace
Never once, no, we never walk alone

Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Every step we are breathing in Your grace
Evermore we’ll be breathing out Your praise
You are faithful, God, You are faithful
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

You are faithful, God, You are faithful
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Through the tears

Yeah so I am kind of down. Depressed. Moody. Overwhelmed. I HATE the unknown. Not knowing how we are going to pay the bills next month. Not knowing where we might end up moving, let alone if we will even like it. Not knowing what we are going to do about our house. Not knowing what to do for a husband who has been hurt by people we trusted. Not knowing when the wait of wanting to be pregnant is over.

I need a ray of sunshine,  a light at the end of the tunnel. A glimpse of hope. Even better a peace about the unknown. I need laughter. Wow I am typing this through tears in my eyes. Oh the tears how I hate them. They come when I least expect them and they just frustrate me more. They don't wash away the pain, they don't bring back friends. But yet they come and they just make a mess of my makeup.

This evening we were reading to Cadence the story of Gideon (veggie tale style) and how he "tested" God. I kind of want to do that. Anybody have an extra piece of fleece? Through all the things God has asked of us recently the main thing has been to just trust. He is in control. We can handle unemployment. We can handle the disappointment of not being pregnant. We can handle the uncertainties of life. But we can't do it alone.

How I wish Christ was here on earth and he can just grab my hand and lead. I mean literally in the flesh be on earth. Don't get all theological or spiritual on me and tell me, "but he is with you". As a visual learner it would be easier to just see him. But he isn't anymore. He came once and will again someday and until that day I press forward. I do my best to follow him and do his will.